
Take-all Root Rot


“The pathogen (is) very common on warm-season turfgrass roots. High rainfall and stressed turfgrass trigger the disease. It is observed during the summer and early fall months when Florida receives the majority of its rainfall. Prolonged periods of rainfall are most conducive to this disease. Any stress placed on the turfgrass can encourage or worsen the disease. This is a root rot disease. Damage to the roots prevents the turfgrass from efficiently obtaining water or nutrients from the soil. The plant is also unable to store the products of photosynthesis. The fungus does not attack leaves. Symptoms observed on the leaves are the result of pathogen activity on the root system.” (UF IFAS)

For more information visit https://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/LH079#FIGURE 5

Brown Patch


“This disease is most likely to be observed from November through May when temperatures are below 80°F. It is normally not observed in the summer months. Infection is triggered by rainfall, excessive irrigation, or extended periods of high humidity resulting in the leaves being continuously wet for 48 hours or more. The fungus infects the leaf area closest to the soil, eventually killing the leaf. A soft, dark rot occurs at the base of the leaf and leaves can easily be pulled off the stem. The base of a pulled leaf has a rotted odor. Roots are not affected by this pathogen.” (UF IFAS)

For more information visit https://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/lh044

Mole Crickets


“Three species of mole crickets were inadvertently introduced to the southeastern United States about 1900, and have caused serious plant damage. The introduced species are: the shortwinged mole cricket, ; the southern mole cricket, ; and the tawny mole cricket. The crickets usually damage seedlings, feeding aboveground on foliage or stem tissue, and belowground on roots and tubers. Girdling of the stems of seedling plants at the soil surface is a common form of injury, though young plants are sometimes severed and pulled belowground to be consumed. Additional injury to small plants is caused by soil surface tunneling, which may dislodge seedlings or cause them to desiccate. Southern mole cricket does much more tunneling injury than tawny mole cricket.” (UF IFAS)

For more information visit http://entnemdept.ufl.edu/

Chinch Bugs


“The southern chinch bug is the most damaging insect pest of St. Augustine grass, and it has the ability to develop resistance to insecticides and overcome host plant resistance. Heavy southern chinch bug infestations have been shown to cause substantial damage to St. Augustine grass that leads to dead, brown patches of turf. High turf grass densities can prevent weeds from becoming established by occupying space, utilizing water and nutrients, and intercepting light.” (UF IFAS)

For more information visit https://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/in383



“Whiteflies are common pests on many ornamental plants. Some of the most economically important species in Florida are the silverleaf whitefly, fig or ficus whitefly, citrus whitefly, and the rugose spiraling whitefly. The most frequently attacked plants include allamanda, avocado, chinaberry, citrus, fig, fringe tree, gardenia, gumbo limbo, ligustrum, mango, various palms, persimmon, viburnum, and many annuals.” (UF IFAS)