
Why Relationships Matter

Why Relationships Matter

In an industry like ours, it is easy to get caught up in the day-to-day. Our hands are deep in the soil and we’re always working hard to maintain beautiful properties, create wonderful landscapes, fertilize, irrigate and protect our work.  

Yet we also know that it’s not just about working those properties. It’s also about connecting with the people who live with and enjoy those beautiful landscapes.

Personal relationships are important to us. We regularly work with homeowners associations, Board members, management companies and individual homeowners.  Establishing strong relationships with these folks is not only smart business, it’s also what makes our job fun.   Many of our customers become our friends.

One of the most important things we do is make ourselves available to our customers, whether it’s when we are on property (which we are regularly), via phone, email, text or even our new social media pages.  

Every day we are reaching out to our customers, walking properties, answering calls and questions and working proactively to ensure that every property is up to our standards. And those standards are high.

We always work hard to fix any issues and maybe most importantly, we don’t leave any loose ends. If a customer comes to us with a need, we make sure we respond as quickly as possible.  

We know that this is how we would like to be treated, and it’s our philosophy in working with our customers as well.  Connection, communication and completion. It’s the Westcoast way.

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